Students are often unwilling participants in the student conduct process. As an parent, 你可能对行为过程的公平性和公正性有疑问, and you may want to be included in it. 请从以下类别中选择,以获得您最常见问题的答案.

What is the best way to contact the Office of Student Conduct?
Visit our office between 8 a.m.-5 p.m.星期一至星期五在中央沙漠综合大楼1号,致电702-895-2308,或发送电子邮件至

如果我的学生被指控违反学生行为准则,我会收到通知吗? 如子女未满21岁,而出现下列任何一项情况,家长或监护人可获通知:
  • Student has an alcohol or controlled substance violation
  • Student’s health, safety, or welfare are in an imminent risk
Please review the university’s alcohol response policy controlled substance response policy. 未成年人(18岁以下)的父母/监护人也将被通知,如果他们的儿子或女儿被大学停学或开除.
What is FERPA?

FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and is the federal law that protects student educational records, including student conduct records. For more information, please visit the US Department of Education.

How can I talk to your office about my student’s case?

学生行为办公室可以讨论你的学生的情况,如果他们填写了 Student Information/records release form and allows you access to their file, or if the parent/guardian has received a parental notification letter. Records release forms are handled on a case-by-case basis, 这意味着学生只有在将案件提交给学生行为办公室后才能填写此表格.

Do I need to hire an attorney to represent my student?

The Student Conduct process is an educational administrative process, therefore a student does not need to be accompanied by an attorney. However, a student may choose to be accompanied by any 顾问 of their choosing.

How are sanctions determined?

Sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis, 以及向听证官或听证委员会提交的与事件有关的信息. 一些可能影响处罚的因素是学生在事件中的角色, the nature of the violation, and the impact of the incident on others and the university community.

Does the outcome of a conduct hearing go on my student’s record?

学生的成绩单将在行为暂停或开除的情况下被标记. 在某些故意和严重的学术不端行为的情况下,学生的成绩单可能会被标记.


The justice system and the Student Conduct process are not mutually exclusive. 被发现违反学生行为准则的人可能会对民事和刑事当局以及学校负责,因为他们的行为违反了学生行为准则. At the discretion of UNLV officials, 当民事和/或刑事诉讼悬而未决或正在进行时,大学的行为行动可能会被推迟或继续推进.

If an incident takes place off campus, why does the University get involved?

该UNLV学生行为准则的目的是使大学,以防止那些谁的行为, by their actions, 损害或侵犯他人的权利或妨碍学校的正常运作. 它针对的是由于学生在校园社区的成员身份而产生的校外行为, impacted or is likely to impact the UNLV community; including, University-sponsored events, 旅行, and activities that may occur at off-campus locations.

老师说我的学生只是忘了正确地引用一个资料来源(例如.e., forgot quotation marks, forgot to attribute to source). How is that misconduct?


What are the consequences of being found responsible of academic misconduct? Will my student get suspended from UNLV?

UNLV通常不会因为学生第一次违反学术不端行为而停学. Get a list of all potential sanctions.

Academic Good Standing

在大学注册的学生保持UNLV成绩平衡为零或以上, 这是, UNLV的累积平均绩点必须被认为是良好的. 如果学生的绩点余额低于零,学校将给予学生试用期. 学生应该向他们的学术顾问咨询有关UNLV累积平均成绩要求的最新信息.




To compel or unduly influence in any way an action of another.

Controlled Substance


Disciplinary Good Standing

目前未受留校察看处分的在校生, suspension or expulsion. 未能保持良好的纪律表现可能导致被排除在特权和课外活动之外.




To bring into danger or peril.


内华达州大学和社区学院系统的所有教职员工, research, or service, whose notice of appointment is as lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor or otherwise designated as faculty on the notice of appointment.

Greek Life

Any student affiliated with a social Greek-letter fraternal organization, or that organization itself; specifically those fraternities and sororities recognized by the University.


Any method of initiation into or affiliation with the University community, a student organization, a sports team, an academic association, or other group engaged in by an individual, whether on or off campus, 故意或不顾后果地危害他人或破坏或移走公共或私人财产的行为. Such activities include, but are not limited to, paddling in any form, physical or psychological shocks, late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities, advocating or promoting alcohol or substance abuse, tests of endurance, 将会员或准会员置于具有可预见的可能导致人身伤害的潜在危险或危险环境或活动中, 或任何就其性质而言可能造成精神痛苦的活动, 恐慌, human degradation, or embarrassment.






Based upon.




Conditions, 作为发现对违反规范负责的结果而分配的措施和/或活动, the clear purpose of which would be to redirect behavior.


Any unauthorized seeking of trade, contributions, attendance or support.

University Official

校园社团的任何成员,拥有被授权执行或维护任何大学规范的职务或地位, rules and/or regulations.

University-Sponsored Activity
