

UNLV prides itself on being an institution of opportunity where students traditionally underrepresented in higher education can receive the support they need to achieve their educational and professional goals. As a Minority-Serving机构 (MSI) and 拉美裔-Serving Institution (HSI), UNLV enrolls a high percentage of minority students and is committed to reducing barriers to their 学术 success.


Minority-Serving机构s (MSIs) and 拉美裔-Serving Institutions (HSI) are U.S. colleges and universities that enroll a high percentage of minority students. Because minority populations have experienced disproportionate barriers to higher education, the federal government provides financial support through various titles of the Higher Education Act.

MSI institutions under the Title III eligibility designation include 亚洲 American and Native American 太平洋岛民服务机构 (AANAPISI), 部落学院和传统黑人学院和大学(HBCU).

The federal government includes institutions that serve high percentages of

少数民族 70.3%
美洲原住民或阿拉斯加原住民 0.3%
亚洲 14.8%
黑人或非裔美国人 8.7%
拉美裔 33%
夏威夷原住民或太平洋岛民 .6%
两个或更多种族 12.9%


The MSI专责小组 (includes HSI and AANAPISI initiatives) is a coalition of UNLV stakeholders dedicated to advancing educational equity and eliminating the achievement gap among students of color.


UNLV’s office of Sponsored Programs has identified opportunities for research funding for minority-serving institutions.


学生 and faculty work together to review and refine student-facing programs, 服务, 以及对公平有影响的政策.


Our national partners offer 服务 and opportunities for faculty and student 订婚, and community development that supports our mission for student success as an 拉美裔-Serving and 亚洲 American and Native American 太平洋岛民服务机构.


In 2021, The m88明陛内华达大学 (UNLV) achieved designation from the U.美国教育部作为少数族裔服务机构(MSI), 第三章:亚裔美国人和印第安人, 太平洋岛民服务机构. In 2015, UNLV achieved designation as a Title V - 拉美裔 Serving Institution (HSI).

UNLV Designated: 亚洲 American and Native American 太平洋岛民服务机构 (AANAPISI) Title III

An 亚洲 American and Native American 太平洋岛民服务机构 (AANAPISI) is an institution of higher education that is eligible under section 312(b) of the Higher Education Act and at the time of application, have an enrollment of undergraduate students who are 亚洲 American or Native American Pacific Islander that is not less than 10%.


The purpose the AANAPISI program is to “Provide grants and related assistance to AANAPISI serving institutions to enable such institutions to improve and expand their capacity to serve 亚洲 American and Native Americans Pacific Islanders and low-income students” (84.031L; 84.382B).

作为一个AANAPISI, UNLV的目标是提高保留率, 持久性, and completion rates and to expand its capacity to offer web-based undergraduate courses in computer science. Key 服务 include 学术 tutoring; counseling (i.e., 学术, 本科生助学金, 职业生涯, and graduate/professional school admissions and financial aid); frequent, ongoing 学术-progress monitoring; and financial-literacy instruction.

In 2013, UNLV became an eligible Title III institution by the Department of Education. UNLV was awarded Nevada’s first Title III grant in 2015 (AANAPISI Part A). 2016年,UNLV获得了第二笔赠款(AANAPISI Part F). In 2020, UNLV received its third Title III AANAPISI Part A grant that will serve more than 1,000名UNLV学生(低收入), 第一代, 以及那些在五年的资助期内需要学术支持的人. 

中心 提供有关 联黎办事处的服务和援助 为符合第三章助学金条件的学生提供.


高等教育法, 20 USCA第1101a条, defines a 拉美裔-Serving Institution as an institution of higher education that is an eligible institution under Title V of the Department of Education; at the time of application, has an enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent students that is at least 25% 拉美裔; and provides assurances that not less than 50% of its 拉美裔 students are low-income individuals.


The purpose the HSI program is to “Expand and enhance the 学术 offerings, 项目质量, and institutional stability of college and universities that are educating the majority of 拉美裔 college students and helping large numbers of 拉美裔 students and other low-income individuals complete postsecondary degrees” (20 U.S. 编号1101a, n.d).

UNLV作为HSI的目标是提高保留率, 持久性, and completion rates and to expand the university’s capacity to offer web-based undergraduate courses in computer science. Key 服务 include 学术 tutoring; counseling (i.e., 学术, 本科生助学金, 职业生涯, and graduate/professional school admissions and financial aid); frequent, ongoing 学术-progress monitoring; and financial-literacy instruction.



Spring semester begins with Native American ceremonies to bring campus community together. 

A graduate student whose back is turned to the camera is wearing a cap with a 2023 tassel and walking into a crowd of students

来自36个州和39个国家的学位获得者 & Mack Center stage over course of three undergrad and graduate ceremonies held on 12月. 19和20.


Mellon Foundation award will support the creation of Neon Pacific Initiative to increase research, 订婚, 以及社区伙伴关系.