
Landscape Architecture

UNLV景观建筑课程旨在为学生进入景观建筑专业以及追求广泛的研究生学习选择做好准备. 我们的使命是提供专业认可的景观设计学位课程,专注于健康环境的规划和设计. The mission guides our commitment to education, community outreach, 以及极端干旱地区面临的复杂规划和设计挑战.

Mission Statement
It is the mission of the UNLV Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program to provide a professionally accredited degree that empowers visionaries to thoughtfully integrate; applied sustainability, environmental and social equity, teamwork, and community-based shared learning, 以便对规划有一个有意义的理解, design, 以及应对干旱环境独特需求的景观管理, regional ecologies, and global needs.

Program Commitment
我们的毕业生将做好充分准备,为复杂和不断变化的全球社会做出重大贡献. Likewise, 他们将能够熟练地运用诚信的价值观, respect, collaboration, innovation, and sustainability. By cultivating these values, 我们积极致力于培养未来的领导者,他们将自信地拥抱景观设计的专业实践,同时同样认识到他们有能力大胆地追求广泛的研究生学习机会.

Our Core Values


  • A commitment to nurturing social, economic, environmental, and physical health in a way that promotes equity, diversity, and inclusiveness;
  • A rigorous expectation of what learning and success mean;
  • 通过研究、学术研究和创造性活动的创新思想;
  • 具有创业精神、创造性和进步的规划和设计方法;
  • 对景观建筑专业与应用环境之间的关系有深刻的理解;
* UNLV BLA愿景声明直接反映了内华达大学使命的共同价值观, Las Vegas.
Curriculum Learning Objectives

完成景观建筑学士学位课程后, 学生将能够实现以下课程学习目标,因为他们与课程学习成果相关的知识能力相一致, skills, and abilities within the profession of landscape architecture.

Objective 1: Design Development

Objective 2: Design Evidence/Relevancy
学生将能够研究从不断发展的社会中衍生出来的历史和相关设计思想的光谱, political, economic, cultural, environmental, technical, and theoretical contexts.

Objective 3: Professionalism
学生将能够在同龄人中展示在更大的协作系统中工作的能力, professionals, stakeholder groups, and the community demonstrating needs to manage, advocate, and act legally, ethically and critically for the good of the client, society, and the environment.

Objective 4: Design Evaluation
学生将展示运用定性和定量测量来评估他们的设计通过环境绩效结果的能力, social, and economic benefits.

Objective 5: Technical Documentation
学生将展示在广泛的适当的设计工具的应用能力, material systems, 与可建造性相关的技术应用景观建筑设计要素.

What Is Landscape Architecture?

景观建筑体现了设计的艺术和科学, planning, and management of the land, including the natural and man-made elements upon it. Landscape architects plan and design places such as parks, golf courses, campuses, gardens, resorts, and transportation corridors. 他们还设计和规划恢复受人类干扰的自然场所, such as wetlands, stream corridors, mined areas, and forested land. Landscape architects typically work with architects, city planners, civil engineers, 以及其他专业人士来设计和建造重视人类和环境需求的项目.

内华达州的景观建筑是由干旱景观定义的, importance of tourism, gaming and related activities, and a fundamentally pragmatic approach to solving problems. Most U.S. 各州的景观建筑注册委员会要求获得认可的专业学位课程的学位作为获得执照的先决条件. 景观建筑认证委员会是景观建筑学位课程的认证机构. UNLV的景观设计学士学位是由LAAB完全认可的.


laab认可的项目必须向公众提供可靠的信息. 项目必须报告认证状态及其执行情况. 这些信息是为了帮助潜在的学生做出明智的申请决定.

Tuition & Fees

内华达州董事会于2010年12月批准了一项提案,要求UNLV建筑学院在2012年春季对学校四个学位授予项目的高年级课程实施差别学费. Please refer to the Board of Regents Manual, Section 7, 有关与这些计划有关的额外费用的细目,请参阅差异费用. Get an overview of college costs 和更具体的架构成本通过选择高级搜索 Tuition Estimator.

Retention Rates


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Degrees Earned

  • 2022 - 2023: 12
  • 2021 - 2022: 14
  • 2020 - 2021: 14
  • 2019 - 2020: 12
  • 2018 - 2019: 5
  • 2017 - 2018: 4

Post Graduation Status

从2018年到2023年,61名学生毕业于景观建筑与规划专业. Employment sectors of these graduates include:

  • Graduate Education
  • Private Practice
  • Government Practice
  • Landscape Horticulture
  • Design-Build

Licensed Faculty

除了在我们的教师之间的各种和广泛的学术专长, we currently employ 5 licensed faculty members. 


Additional Information

To learn more about landscape architecture, visit the American Society of Landscape Architects website.